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Miracle Collagen

Miracle Collagen


This is skincare from within. Collagen naturally breaks down over time, and environmental aggressors like stress, UV exposure and pollution can accelerate this process. Miracle Collagen contains bioactive collagen peptides with a specific molecular weight of 2kDa, clinically shown to stimulate the skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin and strengthen the hair and nails. Clinically shown to have a significant impact in improving the appearance of cellulite. It stimulates fibroblast cells within the skin matrix to produce collagen, improve elastin, and rehydrate cells. Collagen peptides are absorbed through the gut into the bloodstream, delivering the broad base of amino acids necessary for tissue repair and cellular restoration

Key ingredients

100% pure bioactive collagen peptides: No fillers, flavourings or excipients

Verisol B: Bioactive collagen peptides sourced from bovine. Certified non-GMO

18 essential & non-essential amino acids: Amino acids are often referred to as the building blocks of proteins and are compounds that play many critical roles in your body and vital processes such as the building of proteins and synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters

Water soluble & tasteless: Dissolvable in liquid with no taste

More than a hydrolysed powder: Using a natural enzymatic process, large collagen molecules are broken down into small, absorbable peptides

2kDa: A specific molecular weight that allows absorption of collagen through the gut wall and into the bloodstream

Full ingredients

100% bioactive & bioavailable collagen peptides. No fillers, flavourings or bulking agents.

The amino acid composition comprises 18 amino acids, including the superstars proline, lysineand glycine. Glycine supports collagen structure, production and regeneration and protects cells from oxidative stress.

Proline assists in collagen formation, skin and wound repair, cartilage and connective tissue regeneration, gut lining healing, and joint repair. Lysine is vital in forming collagen, which is critical for connective tissues, including skin, tendons, and cartilage.

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